Gitel’s Freedom
- Rayzel was happy in Borisov. She didn’t want to follow her husband Yankel to America. Should she have stayed in Borisov with the children? What might have happened to her and her family if she had decided to stay in Borisov?
- Gitel and Rayzel had an antagonistic relationship for most of the time Gitel was growing up. Is there something either or both of them could have done to fix their relationship?
- What would have happened if Gitel had decided to defy her parents and gone to one of several teachers’ colleges that existed at the time in Chicago or to the University of Indiana at Bloomington? What would have been the obstacles? Could she have overcome them?
- Gitel knew before she married Shmuel about his being malnourished as a baby, and about his having meningitis after high school. Should she have taken those clues about his health more seriously? Should they have given her pause about marrying Shmuel?
- What do you think about Gitel’s feelings about intimate relations in her marriage?
- Even before Shmuel and Gitel were married, Gitel was worried about the economy and didn’t think it was a good time to start a business. After they had the pharmacy, she continued to worry and didn’t want to leave their working capital in the bank. But Shmuel always dismissed her concerns. Is there anything more that Gitel could have done to convince Shmuel to take actions that could have prevented their loss of the business?
- Gitel’s objections to keeping kosher and going to the mikveh lead Shmuel to gradually let go of the religious observance that had been so important to him. His work schedules also were not conducive to observance. Shmuel wondered if his lack of observance could have contributed to his persistent bad luck. What do you think about that?
- After Shmuel’s accident at the downtown Pharmall, Gitel moved the family from Lawndale to Hyde Park. Should she have done that without consulting Shmuel, especially since she had reason to believe he did not want to change neighborhoods?
- What do you think about the relationship between Gitel and Sophie? Were they just friends? Or was there something more to that relationship?
- Gitel has a particular idea about freedom. Would you be happy with that type of freedom?